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Deploy Argo CD

In this document, we will deploy and log in to Argo CD.

If you haven't downloaded the Helm chart yet, download it from following link:

Modify Helm chart

As we did previously, let's simply modify the chart.

  1. Change fullnameOverride to the name what you want.
    For example: myargocd.

  2. To set up load-balancer, modify values.yaml like below:

    ## Server service configuration
    # -- Server service annotations
    annotations: {}
    # -- Server service labels
    labels: {}
    # -- Server service type
    type: LoadBalancer
    # -- Server service http port for NodePort service type (only if `server.service.type` is set to "NodePort")
    nodePortHttp: 30080
    # -- Server service https port for NodePort service type (only if `server.service.type` is set to "NodePort")
    nodePortHttps: 30443
    # -- Server service http port
    servicePortHttp: 80
    # -- Server service https port
    servicePortHttps: 443
    # -- Server service http port name, can be used to route traffic via istio
    servicePortHttpName: http
    # -- Server service https port name, can be used to route traffic via istio
    servicePortHttpsName: https
    # -- Server service https port appProtocol. (should be upper case - i.e. HTTPS)
    # servicePortHttpsAppProtocol: HTTPS
    # -- LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field
    loadBalancerIP: ""
    # -- Source IP ranges to allow access to service from
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
    # -- Server service external IPs
    externalIPs: []
    # -- Denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints
    externalTrafficPolicy: ""
    # -- Used to maintain session affinity. Supports `ClientIP` and `None`
    sessionAffinity: ""
  3. Argo CD chart has a dependency, and it's usually downloaded as a .tgz file.
    If there is an item /*.tgz in the .helmignore file, delete this.

Deploy & Log in

Argo CD has a separated UI and can be used independently from other Argo apps.
So we'll deploy it in a separate namespace here as well.

Deploy Argo CD with the following command.

helm dependency update ./argo-cd

helm install my-argocd ./argo-cd -n argo-cd --create-namespace

Now we need login information.
Argo CD requires ID/password for login.
The default ID is admin, and password can be checked with the following command.

kubectl -n argo-cd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Access to the IP address set in Argo CD and log in, then you can check a screen like this.

Argo CD UI